
From Us, To Dear Prospective Clients

Dear prospective client,
Thank you for taking the time to show interest in what we do. At SCCA we are passionate about the field of therapy. We all went into this field because we are very interested in the change process and helping people heal from whatever brings them pain. Counseling can mean different things to different people, so here are a few things that we would like you to know about counseling with us.
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How to Cope with Loss of Your Loved One During the Holidays

By Sarah Linn, MSW, LCSW
Loss of a loved one is especially difficult during special occasions such as holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and important milestones. Coping with these losses can at times seem unbearable and all consuming. People often find themselves batting down the hatches and preparing themselves to weather through the emotional storm the anticipation these events often create. Many times people yearn for a different way to weather these events which would allow you to both cope and honor your loved one. Consider these suggestions to healthily cope while honoring the relationship of your lost loved one.
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9 Common Losses Experienced with Infertility

by Sarah Linn, MSW, LCSW
Infertility can be a roller coaster of emotions. Difficulty with conceiving your biological children can at times lead to reproductive trauma. According to the Center of Reproductive Psychology, reproductive trauma is defined as, “When you want to have a baby, and it is not going as you had hoped and dreamed, you are in the midst of a trauma, a reproductive trauma. When one experiences infertility and reproductive trauma, there can be an immense amount of sadness, depression and anxiety felt throughout the process, perpetuated by grief and loss. The following are 9 common losses experienced with infertility and reproductive trauma.
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How to Stay Close to Your Teenager

by Courtney Baker, Ph.D., LPC
As your child morphs from a child, to a tween, and into a full-blow teenager, you may begin to notice how little s/he seems to want to do with you. While it is developmentally appropriate for adolescents to pull away, most experts agree that teens tend to better if they maintain a bond with their parents. So how do you connect with your teenager, who seems like they want nothing to do with you? It’s not easy, and the relationship with definitely change, but there are some ways to keep the bond.
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Helping Your Teen Make Good Decisions

by Courtney Baker, Ph.D., LPC
As our children grow into their own people, who are free to make their own decisions, parents can get pretty scared about what decisions they will make.
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